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Tips for Biking in Buenos Aires


    From Biker Street we encourage the use of bicycles as a healthy, ecological and fast conveyance.

    We advocate the use of bike as an instrument to relieve traffic in Buenos Aires city, copying the successful models of the big capitals around the world.

    Riding a bike not only has positive effects on health, it also contributes to the care of the environment.

    It is worth mentioning that it is a recreational activity that allows you to interact more directly with the city.

    If we all get on a bike, we will transport ourselves in a faster and more efficient way through Buenos Aires.

    Of course, being on a bike requires us a commitment and attention to respect the rules of harmony in traffic.

    Here we will talk about some recommended practices for urban cyclists.

    Table of Contents

    Benefits of riding a bike​

    Comfortable bike lane in Buenos Aires
    Comfortable bike lane in Buenos Aires.

    The own and third-party benefits that we generate by moving around the city by bicycle are very clear.

    Just thinking how much physical space 50 cyclists occupy on the streets compared to 50 cars is already a relevant fact.

    Almost always riding a bike is easier, faster and of course more sustainable.

    The bicycle does not need fuel does not emit greenhouse gases, so it contributes to the reduction of global warming, it is clear that it also does not produce noise pollution.

    When we ride a bike, we improve our physical condition, counteracting sedentary lifestyle, thus avoiding heart disease, lowering cholesterol and favoring the immune system.

    How to ride a bike through Buenos Aires​

    Priority at crossroads and intersections​

    Respecting the rules: bikers on the bike lane.
    Respecting the rules: bikers on the bike lane.

    Depending on traffic vulnerabilities, priorities (which are rarely respected) should be the following:

    1st Pedestrian

    2nd Cyclist

    3rd public transport

    4th car and motorbike

    At the time of crossing a street, when it has no traffic light, the priority of crossing has the one who circulates on the right, regardless of which vehicle is involved, or who circulates through the artery of greater speed allowed for circulation.

    Security advices​

    Crossing the street with green light.
    Crossing the street with green light.
    • When you travel at night, make yourself visible: Wear light clothing and lights.
    • Respect traffic lights and traffic signals.
    • Wear a helmet, a silly fall can be serious if you hit your head.
    • Do not use headphones or cell phone while riding the bike.
    • Stay tuned for the unexpected and try to predict the movements of the other actors in the traffic.
    • Try to alert with the bell (or loud voice) to a situation of impact risk.
    • Grasp the handlebar with both hands and, if possible, leave your right hand fingers on the brake.
    • Do not carry things hanging on the handlebar or the pack holder that can get caught in the wheels and cause a fall.

    Tips for a better harmony​

    Walking with bikes at Retiro train station.
    Walking with bikes at Retiro train station.
    • You should always gave way to pedestrians.
    • Only children under 12 can travel on the sidewalk, unless there is a sign that allows it.
    • Always drive in the direction of traffic, never drive in the opposite direction.
    • Look both ways before crossing a street.
    • Keep a distance of 1.5 meters from cars that are parked, in order to avoid hitting a car door that suddenly opens.
    • Anticipate your movements using your arms: extend your left arm when you’ll be turning to the left, extend your right arm when you’ll be turning to the right and extend your arm upwards when you are going to brake.
    • In the streets that have bike lanes or bike paths, you must cycle through these, leaving the road for cars, motorcycles and public transport.

    Helpful tips​

    Biking around Palermo
    Bike is definitely the best mean of transport.
    • Before leaving, plan your route.
    • Avoid traveling through busy avenues as the risk of accidents increases.
    • Do not take someone sitting on the handlebar, the bikes are not prepared for this and carries a great risk for both.
    • Check daily that your bike’s brakes and bearings are in good condition.
    • Do not climb or lower cords or slopes on the bike, as this severely damages it.
    • When you raise the seat of your bike, it will confirm that there are about 10 cm of spout inside, to avoid fractures in the bike frame and a possible accident.